2023 Awards and Team Activities
2023 Bad Dog Agility Recognition
Jeri Fye and Rose - 3rd place MAS 12" Reg
Shelley Geyer and Hope - 6th place MAS 8" Pref
Karen Pence and Jynx - 9th place MAS 16" Reg
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss - 10th place MAS 16" Reg
Congratulations to 2022 Special MAMASC Awards Winners
Distinction in Herding Award - Laura De La Cruz and Diva
High Overall Award of Excellence - Kristy Hubbard and Jovi
High Overall Versatility Award - Kristy Hubbard and Jovi
High Overall Veteran and Runner-Up Versatility - Tami Dettinger and Holly
Congratulations to Fast Cat Achievers for Lifetime Standings 10/3/23
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze - #1 at 30.38 MPH
Tami Dettinger and Holly - #7 at 28.66 MPH
Teresa Hunt and Shine - #11 at 27.99 MPH
Elise Wolpert and Rose - #19 at 27.60 MPH
Congratulations to 2023 NADD Regionals and Nationals Invitees
Letitia Odom and Lolly - Regionals Hydro Dash, Air Retrieve, Distance
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Regionals Distance and Hydro Dash
Shelley Geyer and Hope - Regionals Distance Jump
Karen Cooper and Baker - Regionals Distance Jump
Karen Cooper and S'more - Regionals Distance Jump
Tammy Flaga and Queenie - Regionals Distance Jump
Tammy Flaga and Geordi - Regionals Air Retrieve
Letitia Odom and Lolly - Nationals Hydro Dash, Air Retrieve, Distance
Letitia Odom and Lolly - 3rd Place National AR and 7th Place HD
Kim Sykes and Mary Green with Maui - Regionals Distance Jump
Kim Sykes and Mary Green with Maui - Nationals Distance Jump
Kim Sykes and Mary Green with Maui - North Central Reg. Lap Senior Champion
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Nationals Distance
Congratulations to 2023 Nationals Agility Classic Qualifiers
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss
Teresa Hunt and River
Jeri Frye and Reason
Merry Zakrzewski and Splash
Congratulations to 2023 National Rally Championship Qualifiers
Jeri Frye and Reason - Novice
Jeri Frye and Rose - Novice
Cheryl Warren and Titan - Novice
Elise Wolpert and Gossip - Novice
Elise Wolpert and Rose - Intermediate
Karen Pence and Epie - Intermediate
Mary Dee Palmer and Boomer - Advanced
Mary Dee Palmer and Cayenne - Advanced
Karen Pence and Jynx - Excellent
Donna Crary-Johnson and Katniss - Excellent
Denise Hendrickson and Jett - Excellent
Cheryl Warren and Capt'n Kirk - Master
2022 Front & Finish Novice MAS Recognition
Karen Pence and Epie - #2 Novice Rally
Karen Pence and Jynx - #10 Novice Obedience
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss - #6 Novice Obedience
Jessica Fuller and Nago = #8 Rally Novice (Tie)
Jeri Frye and Reason - #3 Rally Novice
Elise Wolpert and Rose - #8 Rally Novice (Tie)
Jeri Frye and Rose - #7 Rally Novice
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - #8 Rally Novice (Tie)
Denise Hendrickson and Jett - #5 Combined Rally Team
2023 AKC Obedience Classic Qualifiers
Teresa Macorke and Reese - Novice
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - Novice
Rebecca Beckrich and Swagger - Novice
Mary Dee Palmer and Boomer - Open
2023 Bad Dog Agility Recognition
Jeri Fye and Rose - 3rd place MAS 12" Reg
Shelley Geyer and Hope - 6th place MAS 8" Pref
Karen Pence and Jynx - 9th place MAS 16" Reg
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss - 10th place MAS 16" Reg
AKC Conformation
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Beamer - Grand Champion Gold
Teresa Hunt and Naughty - Grand Champion
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Star - Grand Champion
Rebecca Beckrich and Tunnee - Grand Champion
Rebecca Beckrich and Taada - Champion
Teresa Hunt and Naughty - #9 MAS NOHA Finalist for 2023
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Blake - Grand Champion
Elisa Wolpert and Tattle - Champion
Jeri Frye and Reason - MACH4
Susan Miranti and Scout - UGRACH2
Jeri Frye and Rose - 3rd Place Small Dogs at Purina Pro Plan Incredible Dog Challenge
Fast Cat Invitationals
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze - Runner Up MAS
AKC Obedience Mid-Year Rankings
Sandy Walroth and Garrett - 10th Place Open
Teresa Macorke and Reese - 13th Place Novice
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - 1st Place Novice
Rebecca Beckrich and Swagger - 9th Place Novice
MASCUSA Ultimate Dog Qualifiers
Deborah Vassar and Camille
Chloe Gray and Justin
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss
Donna Crary Johnson and Prim
Karen Bailey Cooper and Rumor
Susan Miranti and Scout
MASCUSA Most Versatile Dog Qualifiers
Susan Miranti and Scout - 2nd Place
MASCUSA Goodwill Ambassador Qualifiers
Tonna Thomas and Gunner
Top 25 MAS by class for 2023 in Barn Hunt
NOVICE - #1 MAS - Nago and Jessica Fuller
#5 - Remy and Susan Turner Miranti
#11 - Nikee and Natalee Yates
#21 - Razz and Tammy Flaga
OPEN - #4 Prim and Donna Crary-Johnson
#6 - Justin and Karen Bailey Cooper
#7 - Reese and Teresa Macorke
#14 - Shadow and
#17 - Razz and Tammy Flaga
#21 - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
SENIOR - #1 - Jovi and Kristy Hubbard
#5 - Reese and Teresa Macorke
#6 - Prim and Donna Crary-Johnson
MASTER - #1 - Katniss and Donna Crary-Johnson
#2 - Holly and Tami Dettinger
#5 - Reese and Teresa Macorke
Ranked Top 25 Fastest Dog by Class/State for 2023 in Barn Hunt
#10 Fastest Novice class dog in Nebraska - Axel and Lara Tack
#25 Fastest Novice class dog in Oklahoma - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
#10 Fastest Open class dog in Oklahoma - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
#3 Fastest Senior class dog in Indiana - Jovi and Kristy Hubbard
#18 Fastest Novice class dog in Minnesota - Nikee and Natalee Yates
#6 Fastest Novice class dog in Missouri - Remy and Susan Miranti
#10 Fastest Novice class dog in Nebraska - Axel and Lara Tack
#1 Fastest Master class dog in New Mexico - Prim and Donna Crary Johnson
#15 Fastest Open class dog in New Mexico - Prim and Donna Crary Johnson
#13 Fastest Senior class dog in New Mexico - Prim and Donna Crary Johnson
#25 Fastest Novice class dog in Oklahoma - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
#2 Fastest Open class dog in Oklahoma - Justin and Karen Bailey Cooper
#10 Fastest Open class dog in Oklahoma - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
#11 Fastest Master class dog in Texas - Reese and Teresa Macorke
#3 Fastest Novice class dog in Texas - Nago and Jessica Fuller
#16 Fastest Senior class dog in Texas - Reese and Teresa Macorke
#4 Fastest Master class dog in Wisconsin - Holly and Tami Dettinger