On this page you will find links to Yearly Versatility Awards And Top Five Awards since 2013. Hope you enjoy flipping through our awards album! 

2015 Awards

The information under 2015 awards is only partially accurate as many changes were being made to the awards program and the site were being implemented. Sorry for the inconvenience- but our dogs are still awesome!
2018 Awards and Activities 

Puppy Antics 
Activities Page
Top Five
Yearly Versatility

Teresa Magness - Captain, River, Shine and Splash
Laurel Hughes - Quest
Karen Cooper - Baker and Justin
Merry Zakrzewski - Splash
Rachel Heaton - Callie
Cheryl Cramer - Gracie 
Letitia Odom - Betty  
Elise Wolpert - Pickles  
Laura De La Cruz - Chile
Teresa Magness - Captain - Rally Novice
Laurel Hughes - Quest - Rally Advanced
Merry Zakrzewski - Splash - Rally Intermediate
Karen Cooper - Cupcake - Rally Advanced
Elise Wolpert - Presh - Rally Novice
Teresa Magness - Captain - 2nd Place
Teresa Magness - Shine - 6th Place
Karen Cooper - Baker - Dock Senior
Jo Tucker and Newman  
Elise Wolpert and Darby
Shine ended up 2018 “year” in both the AKC & Canine Chronicle top 10 MAS Owner-Handler rankings at #8!!  
#4 MAS in Owner Handled Conformation 
BIS MBISS MBISOH GR CHS Love That Jimmy Fallon CM! In 2018 Jimmy has won his first regular AKC Best in Show, 12 Group Ones, National Specialty Champion and 19 BIS or RBISOH with 39 regular Group ribbons won! as of 12/1/18.
First MAS to win these UKC awards: UROC Title, URX Title, UGRACH title and the combination of EN, UGRACH, UROC and URX titles.  First MAS to earn both the EN and UGRACH title.  Second of any breed in UKC to win the combination of EN, UGRACH, UROC, and URX Titles, and both EN and UGRACH Titles.  Third MAS and 3rd youngest to earn the EN title. First dog of any breed to earn the EN, EHD, and UGRACH title combination. UKC 2018 Agility All Stars #33 in AGI, #28 in AGII, #13 in AGIII, and 26th in GRACH - only MAS to earn All Star Status in 2018.  Only MAS to be in Agility All Stars every year from 2015 - 2018. 
2018 #1 MAS in Fast Cat!  
Marilyn Knapik-Battey and Givins 
Elise Wolpert and Presh  
Congrats to Mercedes Osolin and her dogs for earning AKC Fit Dog 
2019 Awards and Activities 

Puppy Antics 
Team Activities Page

Congratulations to Merry Zakrzewski and Splash!
Winners of the AKC Rally National Championships in Intermediate March 2019

    Congratulations to Newman and Jo Tucker
  #3 Dog in AKC for his breed in Obedience 
  #4 in AKC OTCH points 2018

Congratulations to Rally Nationals 2020 Qualifiers
Elise Wolpert and Pickles - Intermediate
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Intermediate

Congratulations to Obedience Classic 2019 Qualifiers 
Elise Wolpert and Darby - Novice 

Congratulations to 2019 Achiever Dogs
Merry Zakrzewski and Dorie
Donna Query-Johnson and Katniss

Congratulations to Mercedes Osolin and Firenze
Completed the U.S. Canine Biathlon in 1:06:50

Congratulations to NADD/AKC/Eukenuba Dive Dog Nationals Qualifiers
Karen Cooper and Justin (5th in MAS Nationally)
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze
Shelly Geyer and Hope (Highest Ranked Veteran Lap MAS)
Karen Cooper and Baker (7th in MAS Nationally)
​Elise Wolpert and Banx​​​
Laurel Hughes and Quest
Letitia Odom and Lolly (#1 Junior Lap Dog)

Congratulations to NOHS Placements for 2019
Sheila Hoskins and Cane #2
Teresa Hunt and Shine #13

Congratulations on Qualifying for Agility Nationals in 2020
Gina Hampton and Petey

Congratulations to Shelley Geyer and Hope 
for Qualifying for 2020 AKC European Team Tryouts

Congratulations for 2019 Bad Dog Agility Team Placements
Gina Hampton and Petey 9th Place in 12" Regular
Shelly Geyer and Hope 2nd Place in 8" Preferred
Cheryl Warren and Capt'n Kirk 8th Place in 12" Preferred
Cindy Gevaart and Jett 2nd Place in 16" Preferred
Sandi Vanni and Sham 3rd Place in 16" Preferred

Mid America Sponsors the Goodwill Ambassador Awards
awarded at MASCUSA Nationals
Congratulations to our own Mercedes Osolin & Presto for 1st Place Tie

Mindy Stevenson and Latigos Limited Edition (Tux) earned the Trick Dog Register of Merit from Do More With Your Dogs. Tux's get who helped him accomplish this honor are owned by Mercedes Osolin, Rachel Tye and Laura De La Cruz. 
2020 Awards and Team Activities

​Puppy Antics 
Team Activities Page

Congratulations to Rally Nationals 2020 Qualifiers
Elise Wolpert and Pickles - Intermediate
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Intermediate
Alexis Wallace and Cali - Excellent
Janet Roe and Kira - Novice
Kathy Agan and Gracie - Excellent
Laurel Hughes and Quest - Excellent
Elise Wolpert and Troy - Novice

Congratulations to Shelley Geyer and Hope 
for Qualifying for 2020 AKC European Team Tryouts

Congratulations to Karen Cooper and Baker
for Qualifying for Conformation Top Ten Invitational at UKC Premier

​Congratulation to Karen Cooper and Justin
2019 Winners of MAMASC Overall Award of Excellence and Overall Versatility

Congratulations to 2019 Front & Finish Top 10
Alexis Wallace and Cali finished as #6 MAS in Combined Rally
Janet Roe and Kira #1 MAS in Rally Novice
Janet Roe and Kira #4 in All Herding Breed for Rally Novice
Janet Roe and Kira #7 of all Breeds for Rally Novice
Karen Bailey Cooper and Justin #6 MAS in Rally Novice
Sandy Walroth and Garrett #7 MAS in Rally Intermediate

Congratulations to Delaney Obedience 2019 Champs
Jo Tucker and Newman #4 MAS
Jo Tucker and Oscar #8 MAS (tie) 
Cheryl Warren and Capt'n Kirk #8 MAS (tie)

Congratulations to Bad Dog Agility 2020 1,2,3 Quarter Honorees
Sandra Vanni and Shammie 3rd Place in 16" Preferred 
Shelley Geyer and Hope 2nd Place in 8" Preferred

Congratulations to Nadd/AKC Diving Dog Regionals/Nationals
Karen Bailey Cooper and Justin (Senior Excellent)
Laurel Hughes and Quest (Novice Excellent)
Karen Bailey Cooper and Baker (Senior Excellent)
Tami Dettinger and Holly (Senior Excellent 2)
Shelley Geyer and Hope (Masters Advanced) and Qualifier Trial
Letitia Odom and Lolly in Distance Jump & Air Retrieve by Qualifier Trial
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze #1 in Jr. Division with 14.11
Elise Wolpert and Troy (Junior)

Congratulations to Letitia Odom and Lolly
2nd Place, Distance Jump, Senior Lap Dog, NADD S. Central Regionals
And Qualified for 2021 Nadd/AKC Diving Dog Nationals

Congratulations to Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Cane
Qualified for Novice Owner/Handler Series Finals for 2020 

Puppy Antics 2021
Team Activity Page 1 - 2021
Team Activity Page 2 - 2021
Junior and PeeWee - 2021

​Congratulations to Rally Nationals 2021 Qualifiers
Alexis Wallace and Cali - Excellent
Elise Wolpert and Banx - Excellent
Laurel Hughes and Quest - Excellent
Kathy Agan and Grace - Excellent
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Intermediate
Elise Wolpert and Pickles - Intermediate
Merry Zakrzewski and Dorie - Intermediate
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss - Intermediate
Janet Roe and Kira - Novice
Julie Kramer and Riley - Novice
Julie Kramer and Jet - Novice
Julie Kramer and Heavenly - Novice
Milinda Riester and Crook - Novice

​Congratulations on Qualifying for Agility Nationals in 2021
Jeri Frye and Reason
Merry Zakrzewski and Splash
Shelley Geyer and Hope
Gina Hampton and Petey

​​Congratulation to Karen Cooper and Cupcake
2020 Winner of MAMASC Overall Versatility Award-22 Titles

Congratulations to 2020 Winners of the MAMASC Overall Award of Excellence
Tami Dettinger and Holly-9 AKC Titles in 6 Sports
Deborah Vassar and Camille-9 AKC Titles in 4 Sports
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss-9 AKC Titles in 3 Sports

​Congratulations to NADD/AKC Diving Dogs 2021 Regionals Qualifiers
Letitia Odom and Lolly for earning in 2020​
2nd Place, Distance Jump, Senior Lap Dog, NADD S. Central Regionals
Letitia Odom and Lolly Qualified in Hydro Dash
Letitia Odom and Lolly Qualified in Air Retrieve
Shelley Geyer and Hope in Lap Masters in Distance Jump
Elise Wolpert and Rose in Distance
Karen Cooper and Justin in Junior Distance
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze in Junior Distance
Karen Pence and Epie in Senior Lap Distance
Teresa Macorke and Reese in Junior Distance
Karen Cooper and Baker in Senior Distance

Congratulations to MACH AND PACH Winners
Jeri Frye and Reason - MACH
Teresa Hunt and River - MACH
Merry Zakrzewski and Splash - PACH
Tami Dettinger and Holly - MACH2

   Front and Finish Obedience Qualifiers
Sandy Walroth and Garrett, #1 MAS, 23 Pts

Congratulations to the 2021 MASCUSA Goodwill Ambassador
Milinda Riester and Crook

Congratulations to Susan Miranti & Scout
4th Place in MASCUSA's Most Versatile Dog Competition

Congratulations to Deborah Vassar & Camille
4th Place in MASUCSA's Ultimate Dog Competition

Congratulations to Bad Dog Agility Placements
Deborah Vassar and Camille - 16" Regular, 3rd Place - 1st Q
Marilyn Battey and Given - 12" Preferred, 7th Place - 1st Q; 8th-2nd Q
Merry Zakrzewski and Splash - 12" Preferred, 9th Place - 1st Q
Donna Quary Johnson and Katniss - 16" Regular, 4th Place - 3rd Q
Sandra Vanni and Sham - 16" Preferred - 1st Place - 2nd Q & 3rd Q

Congratulations to these Conformation Teams
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Beamer - Grand Champion
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Beamer - Grand Champion Bronze
Elise Wolpert and Rose - Champion
Milinda Riester and CC - Champion
Karen Pence and Jynx - Champion
Elise Wolpert and Rose - Grand Champion
Karen Cooper and Baker - Champion
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Maui - Champion
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Maui - Champion
Teresa Macorke and Reese - UKC Champion
Julie Kramer and Coffee Bean - Champion
Elise Wolpert and Gossip - Champion
Gary & Sheila Hoskins and Cane - #1 MAS NOHS Finalist
Teresa Macorke and Reese - Top 10 UKC

Congratulations to Teams Qualifying for 2021 Obedience Classic
Teresa Hunt and Captain
Sandra Walroth and Garrett
Janet Roe and Kira
Laurel Hughes and Quest

Congratulations to Letitia Odom and Lolly for 2021 NADD Regionals
Champion in Lap Junior Air Retrieve and Qualified for Nationals
Reserve Champion in Lap Senior Distance Jump and Qualified for Nationals
Qualified for Nationals in Lap Hydro Dash for Top 10 in Division
National Champion Jr. Hydro Dash Lap Dog
3rd Place National Air Retrieve Lap Dog Jr. Division
7th Place National Distance Lap Dog Sr. Division

Congratulations to Tami Dettinger and Holly for Barn Hunt Advanced Titles

Congratulations to 2022 National Agility Championship Invitees
Marilyn Battey and Given
Teresa Hunt and River
Jeri Frye and Reason
Marilyn Battey and Sky
Merry Zakrzewski and Splash
2022 Awards and Team Activities 

Congratulations to 2022 AKC Rally Nationals Competition Qualifiers
Sandra Walroth and Garret in Advanced
Susan Miranti and Scout in Advanced
Denise Hendrickson and Jett in Novice

Congratulations to MACH and PACH Teams
Jeri Frye and Reason - MACH2
Gina Hampton and Petey - MACH
Jeri Frye and Reason - MACH3
Merry Zakrzewski and Splash - PACH2

Congratulations to the 2021 MAMASC Special Award Winners
Distinction in Herding Award - Laura De La Cruz and Tuffy
High Over-All Award of Excellence - Tami Dettinger and Holly
High Over-All Versatility Award - Tami Dettinger and Holly

Congratulations to Conformation Winners
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Cane - GCHS
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Beamer - GCHG
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Cane - NOHS Platinum
Teresa Hunt and Shine - NOHS Bronze
Elise Wolpert and Banx - NOHS Bronze
Teresa Hunt and Sparkle - GCHB
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Cutter - CH
Julie Kramer and Coffee Bean - GCH
Sheila and Gary Hoskins/Milinda Riester and Blake - CH
Julie Kramer and Coffee Bean - GCHB
Elise Wolpert and Gossip - GCH
Jessica Fuller and Nago - UKC CH
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - ASDR EChGR  

Congratulations to Fast Cat Achievers for Lifetime Standings 10/11/22
Tami Dettinger and Holly - #6 at 28.66 MPH
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze - #7 at 28.54 MPH
Laurel Hughes and Quest - #8 at 28.02 MPH
Teresa Hunt and Shine - #10 at 27.99 MPH
Elise Wolpert and Rose - #14 at 27.60 MPH

Congratulations to 2021 UKC Over-All Winners
Karen Pence and Epie - 4th Place in MAS Conformation
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - 35th Place Rally 1 All Stars
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - 10th Place (Tie) in MAS Conformation
Teresa Macorke and Reese - 10th Place (Tie) in MAS Conformation

Congratulations to 2022 & 2023 NADD Regionals and Nationals Invitees
Karen Pence and Epie - Regionals Hydro Dash and Distance Jump - 2022
Letitia Odom and Lolly - Regionals & Nationals Hydro Dash, Air Retrieve & Distance - 2022
Letitia Odom and Lolly - Nationals Air Retrieve and Hydro Dash - 2023
Elise Wolpert and Gossip - Regionals Distance Jump - 2022
Shelley Geyer and Hope - Regionals Distance Jump - 2022
Kristy Hubbard and Haven - Regionals Distance Jump - 2022
Karen Bailey Cooper and Justin - Regionals Distance Jump & Hydro Dash - 2022
Karen Bailey Cooper and Baker - Regionals Distance Jump - 2022
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Regionals Distance Jump & Hydro Dash - 2022
Teresa Macorke and Reese - Regionals Distance Jump - 2022
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Regionals Distance Jump - 2023

Front and Finish
Karen Bailey Cooper and S'more - Rally Novice, 8th Place

Congratulations to 2022 Agility Invitationals Invitee
Jeri Frye and Reason - Regular

Congratulations to 2022 Obedience Classic Invitees
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss
Susan Miranti and Scout

Congratulations to 2022 Fast Cat Invitationals Invitees
Elise Wolpert and Rose - Won BOB

Congratulations to 2023 Nationals Agility Classic Qualifiers
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss
Teresa Hunt and River
Jeri Frye and Reason
Merry Zakrzewski and Splash

2023 Awards and Team Activities​

2023 Bad Dog Agility Recognition
Jeri Fye and Rose - 3rd place MAS 12" Reg
Shelley Geyer and Hope - 6th place MAS 8" Pref
Karen Pence and Jynx - 9th place MAS 16" Reg
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss - 10th place MAS 16" Reg​ 

Congratulations to 2022 Special MAMASC Awards Winners
​Distinction in Herding Award - Laura De La Cruz and Diva
High Overall Award of Excellence - Kristy Hubbard and Jovi
High Overall Versatility Award - Kristy Hubbard and Jovi
High Overall Veteran and Runner-Up Versatility - Tami Dettinger and Holly

Congratulations to Fast Cat Achievers for Lifetime Standings 10/3/23
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze - #1 at 30.38 MPH
Tami Dettinger and Holly - #7 at 28.66 MPH
Teresa Hunt and Shine - #11 at 27.99 MPH
Elise Wolpert and Rose - #19 at 27.60 MPH

Congratulations to 2023 NADD Regionals and Nationals Invitees
Letitia Odom and Lolly - Regionals Hydro Dash, Air Retrieve, Distance
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Regionals Distance and Hydro Dash
Shelley Geyer and Hope - Regionals Distance Jump
Karen Cooper and Baker - Regionals Distance Jump
Karen Cooper and S'more - Regionals Distance Jump
Tammy Flaga and Queenie - Regionals Distance Jump
Tammy Flaga and Geordi - Regionals Air Retrieve
Letitia Odom and Lolly - Nationals Hydro Dash, Air Retrieve, Distance
Letitia Odom and Lolly - 3rd Place National AR and 7th Place HD
Kim Sykes and Mary Green with Maui - Regionals Distance Jump
Kim Sykes and Mary Green with Maui - Nationals Distance Jump
Kim Sykes and Mary Green with Maui - North Central Reg. Lap Senior Champion
Deborah Vassar and Camille - Nationals Distance

Congratulations to 2023 Nationals Agility Classic Qualifiers
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss
Teresa Hunt and River
Jeri Frye and Reason
Merry Zakrzewski and Splash

Congratulations to 2023 National Rally Championship Qualifiers
Jeri Frye and Reason - Novice
Jeri Frye and Rose - Novice
Cheryl Warren and Titan - Novice  
Elise Wolpert and Gossip - Novice
Elise Wolpert and Rose - Intermediate
Karen Pence and Epie - Intermediate
Mary Dee Palmer and Boomer - Advanced
Mary Dee Palmer and Cayenne - Advanced
Karen Pence and Jynx - Excellent
Donna Crary-Johnson and Katniss - Excellent
Denise Hendrickson and Jett - Excellent
Cheryl Warren and Capt'n Kirk - Master

2022 Front & Finish Novice MAS Recognition
Karen Pence and Epie - #2 Novice Rally 
Karen Pence and Jynx - #10 Novice Obedience
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss - #6 Novice Obedience
Jessica Fuller and Nago = #8 Rally Novice (Tie)
Jeri Frye and Reason - #3 Rally Novice
Elise Wolpert and Rose - #8 Rally Novice (Tie)
Jeri Frye and Rose - #7 Rally Novice 
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - #8 Rally Novice (Tie)
Denise Hendrickson and Jett - #5 Combined Rally Team

2023 AKC Obedience Classic Qualifiers
Teresa Macorke and Reese - Novice
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - Novice
Rebecca Beckrich and Swagger - Novice
Mary Dee Palmer and Boomer - Open

2023 Bad Dog Agility Recognition
Jeri Fye and Rose - 3rd place MAS 12" Reg
Shelley Geyer and Hope - 6th place MAS 8" Pref
Karen Pence and Jynx - 9th place MAS 16" Reg
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss - 10th place MAS 16" Reg

AKC Conformation
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Beamer - Grand Champion Gold
Teresa Hunt and Naughty - Grand Champion
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Star - Grand Champion
Rebecca Beckrich and Tunnee - Grand Champion
Rebecca Beckrich and Taada - Champion
Teresa Hunt and Naughty - #9 MAS NOHA Finalist for 2023
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Blake - Grand Champion
Elisa Wolpert and Tattle - Champion

Jeri Frye and Reason - MACH4
Susan Miranti and Scout - UGRACH2
Jeri Frye and Rose - 3rd Place Small Dogs at Purina Pro Plan Incredible Dog Challenge

Fast Cat Invitationals
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze - Runner Up MAS

AKC Obedience Mid-Year Rankings
Sandy Walroth and Garrett - 10th Place Open
Teresa Macorke and Reese - 13th Place Novice
Jessica Fuller and Spyro - 1st Place Novice
Rebecca Beckrich and Swagger - 9th Place Novice 

MASCUSA Ultimate Dog Qualifiers 
Deborah Vassar and Camille
Chloe Gray and Justin
Donna Crary Johnson and Katniss
Donna Crary Johnson and Prim
Karen Bailey Cooper and Rumor
Susan Miranti and Scout

MASCUSA Most Versatile Dog Qualifiers
Susan Miranti and Scout - 2nd Place

MASCUSA Goodwill Ambassador Qualifiers
Tonna Thomas and Gunner

Top 25 MAS by class for 2023 in Barn Hunt
NOVICE - #1 MAS - Nago and Jessica Fuller
#5 - Remy and Susan Turner Miranti
#11 - Nikee and Natalee Yates
#21 - Razz and Tammy Flaga
OPEN - #4 Prim and Donna Crary-Johnson
#6 - Justin and Karen Bailey Cooper
#7 - Reese and Teresa Macorke
#14 - Shadow and 
#17 - Razz and Tammy Flaga
#21 - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
SENIOR - #1 - Jovi and Kristy Hubbard
#5 - Reese and Teresa Macorke
#6 - Prim and Donna Crary-Johnson
MASTER - #1 - Katniss and Donna Crary-Johnson
#2 - Holly and Tami Dettinger
#5 - Reese and Teresa Macorke

Ranked Top 25 Fastest Dog by Class/State for 2023 in Barn Hunt
#10 Fastest Novice class dog in Nebraska - Axel and Lara Tack
#25 Fastest Novice class dog in Oklahoma - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
#10 Fastest Open class dog in Oklahoma - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
#3 Fastest Senior class dog in Indiana - Jovi and Kristy Hubbard
#18 Fastest Novice class dog in Minnesota - Nikee and Natalee Yates
#6 Fastest Novice class dog in Missouri - Remy and Susan Miranti
#10 Fastest Novice class dog in Nebraska - Axel and Lara Tack
#1 Fastest Master class dog in New Mexico - Prim and Donna Crary Johnson
#15 Fastest Open class dog in New Mexico - Prim and Donna Crary Johnson
#13 Fastest Senior class dog in New Mexico - Prim and Donna Crary Johnson
#25 Fastest Novice class dog in Oklahoma - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
#2 Fastest Open class dog in Oklahoma - Justin and Karen Bailey Cooper
#10 Fastest Open class dog in Oklahoma - Firenze and Mercedes Osolin
#11 Fastest Master class dog in Texas - Reese and Teresa Macorke
#3 Fastest Novice class dog in Texas - Nago and Jessica Fuller
#16 Fastest Senior class dog in Texas - Reese and Teresa Macorke
#4 Fastest Master class dog in Wisconsin - Holly and Tami Dettinger


Congratulations to 2023 Special MAMASC Awards Winners
​Distinction in Herding Award - Laura De La Cruz and Nibbs
High Overall Award of Excellence - Karen Bailey Cooper and Rumor
High Overall Versatility Award - Donna Crary Johnson and Prim
High Overall Veteran Versatility - Tami Dettinger and Holly

Congratulations to Fast Cat Achievers for Lifetime Standings 1/7/25 (Titles 2024)
Mercedes Osolin and Firenze - #1 at 31.54 MPH (FCAT4 & FCAT5)
Runner-Up MAS at 2024 Fast Cat Invitations
Mercedes Osolin and Presto - #4 at 29.08 MPH (FCAT5 and FCAT 6 and FCAT 7)
Bridget Hilburn and Neptune - #5 at 29.03 MPH (FCAT)
Tami Dettinger and Holly - #9 at 28.66 MPH
Teresa Hunt and Shine - #15 at 27.99 MPH
Donna Carr - Ruby (FCAT4)
Karen Cooper and Baker (FCAT3)
Karen Cooper and Justin (FCAT3)

Congratulations to the Top 25 MAS by class for 2023 in Barn Hunt (2024 Titles)
Jessica Fuller and Nago - #1 Novice
Susan Turner Miranti and Remy - #5 Novice
Natalee Yates and Nikee - #11 Novice
Tammy Flaga and Razz - #21 Novice & #17 Open (RATS)
Donna Crary-Johnson and Prim - #4 Open & #6 Senior
Karen Bailey Cooper and Justin - #6 Open (RATS)
Teresa Macorke and Reese - #7 Open & #5 Senior & #5 Master (RATCH)
Sara Felderman & Nancy Keatinge and Shadow - #14 Open
Mercedes Osolin & Firenze - #21 Open (RATS)
Kristy Hubbard and Jovi - #1 Senior
Donna Crary-Johnson and Katniss - #1 Master (CZ8S RATCHX)
Tami Dettinger and Holly - #2 Master
Lara Tack and Axel (RATS)
Patricia Koch and Bourbon (RATN RATO RATS)
Kristy Hubbard and Izzie (RATO & RATS)
Donna Carr and Mirra (RATS)

Congratulations to 2023 AKC Obedience Ranking by Breed
Jesica Fuller and Spyro #2 Novice
Janet Roe and Bree #4 Novice
Cheryl Warren and Chime #13 Novice
Cheryl Warren and Titan #16 Novice
Rebecca Beckrich and Swagger #23 Novice
Teresa Macorke and Reese #32 Novice
Sandy Walroth and Garrett #11 Open
Cheryl Warren and Captain Kirk #17 Open

Congratulations to 2024 Rally National Championships Qualifiers
Deborah Vassar and Camille - RACH
Sandy Walroth and Garrett - RACH
Denise Hendrickson and Jett - RACH
Mary Dee Palmer and Boomer - Master
Teresa Hunt and Captain - Excellent
Kristy Hubbard and Jovi - Excellent
Rebecca Beckrich and Swagger - Advanced
Jeri Frye and Reason - Intermediate
Jeri Frye and Rose - Intermediate
Donna Crary Johnson and Prim - Intermediate
Mary Dee Palmer and Maui - Beginner
Maddie Hadley and Peach - Beginner
Jessica Fuller and Sonic - Beginner

Congratulations to Conformation Dogs
Teresa Hunt and Naughty - Grand Champion Bronze and Silver
#1 NOHS Team for 2024 & #5 Lifetime & NOHS Platinum
#11 All Breeds for #10 MAS for 2024
Elise Wolpert and Gossip - Grand Champion Bronze
Sheila and Gary Hoskins and Jordan - Grand Champion and 
Grand Champion Bronze
Donna Carr and Mirra - Grand Champion; Bronze & Silver NOHS
Kymberly Jo Burch-Ryan and Cool Again - Grand Champion
Rebecca Beckrich and Bubbles - Grand Champion
Natalee Yates and Nikee - Grand Champion

Congratulations to Dock Diving Dogs 2024 MAS Standings
Bridget Hilburn and Neptune - #1 Distance, #2 HD, #2 AR
Best of Breed Dog at NADD Nationals
Karen Cooper and Baker - #17 Distance
Karen Cooper and Justin - #18 Distance (tie)
Sara Felderman & Nancy Keatinge with Shadow - #18 Distance (tie)
Mary Green & Kim Sykes with Maui - #28 Distance
Mercedes Osolin and Presto - #29 Distance 
Shelley Geyer and Hope (lap/veteran) - #31 Distance
Letitia Odom and Lolly (lap) - #6 HD, #7 AR, #37 Distance
#3 AR and #8 HD at NADD Nationals
Laura De La Cruz and Nibbs - #27 Distance, 2nd Pl. Regionals in Distance
Chloe Gray and Twix -Furthest Jump Overall and for Juniors at MASCUSA Nationals
Donna Carr and Ruby - #6 AR and #5 HD

Congratulations to Agility Dogs for Excellence
Jeri Frye and Reason - MACH5 and MACH6
Teresa Hunt and River - PACH
Jeri Frye and Rose - MACH and MACH2

Congratulations to Rally Dogs for Excellence
Mary Dee Palmer and Boomer - RACH, RM2, RAE2
Deborah Vassar and Camille - RM2, RAE2
Denise Hendrickson and Jett - RACH, RAE2, RM2, RM3, RC
Kristy Hubbard and Jovi - RAE
Jessica Fuller and Sonic - RAE

Congratulations to Herding Dogs
Laura De La Cruz and Diva - Herding Started Course A Sheep
Donna Carr and Ruby - Herding Started Course A Sheep

Congratulations to our 2023 Goodwill Ambassador (Presented in 2024)
Tonna Thomas and Gunner

Congratulations for Disc Dog Honors
Jessica Buccilli and Casper - AKC Disc Dog Platinum and Disc Dog Gold Elite